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Interactive Training Gap identifier | About



The ASKFOOD Interactive Training Gap Identifier is a tool to self-assess skills:


• to measure the gap between the existing and the desired skills according to the same job profile

• to support personal career path

• to measure – at organisational level – skill mismatch and desired skill sets to acquire in order to reach strategic goals for the company and, thus, to face properly future challenges.


It includes the Career Maps of jobs and professional careers in the food manufacturing, service and research sectors along with the skills and competences and a series of supporting tools that assist individuals, training providers and companies to assess their skills set and to define their training needs. The tool includes also the list of professions of the food sector recognised by ESCO, the multilingual classification of European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations. ESCO is part of the Europe 2020 strategy (visit the website).


This tool has been designed and developed within the Alliance for Skills and Knowledge to Widen Food Sector-related Open Innovation, Optimization and Development, ASKFOOD project (visit the website), funded by the ERASMUS+ program aimed to create a permanent knowledge alliance between businesses and Higher Education Institutions in the food-related sectors as well as creating a new «educational» eco-system for innovation and sustainability of the food system.


In this framework the Interactive Training Gap identifier wants to invest on increased awareness for the skills required by the food sector in the coming years.