DBTE In Action

DBTE In Action

The ASKFOOD Digital Business and Training Ecosystem (DBTE) is an Open-Source, Co-Created Platform that supports communication and knowledge sharing and interaction among the Community of Practice (Knowledge Clusters).

The DBTE Community of Practice is made up of any interested individual (professional, researcher, students), organizations, clusters and food industries/enterprises hubs, and any other stakeholders of the food and food-related sectors, at the EU and international level, interested in promoting active learning process of/among the different members of the community to support a continuous learning cycle on concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation.

The ASKFOOD DBTE web platform is organized as a Knowledge Map/Aggregator that collects various information (e.g. events), training pills and contents to support the aggregation and the interaction among the members of the community.

Could we learn how to generate innovative solutions for business/enterprise? The ASKFOOD DBTE is supporting the “GO LEAN” approach to create and implement them through the Knowledge Management Tool (DBTE Toolkit) developed around six building blocks (BB). The knowledge management process aims to activate the internal exchange of knowledge and solutions and the joint development of ideas related to formal, not formal and informal training that can support the evolution and innovation of food-related industries. Moreover, additional training tools and materials are made available in the Library.

The DBTE platform allows an active interaction and networking among the individuals and knowledge clusters. Members are able to contribute to the community by; uploading and downloading material, blogging via social media (Linkedin) with all members, within a thematic group or a single community (“Local Knowledge Clusters”) where information about job offers, staff exchange opportunities, products or services demanded or offered are shared (Business Exchange area), and can find support in the design and development of formal and informal training (training tools and materials).

The ASKFOOD DBTE also hosts the Mobility and Talents’ Marketplace, a dedicated space for “talents”, i.e. any experts in the food-related sector categorised according to their level of professional experience and competences (junior, master, senior). This tool is intended to support: 1. the management of talents and matching based on competencies and needs; 2) the ideas and opportunities brokerage; 3. the innovation, pre-validation and testing through the communities of experts.